
This tool is used for working with Date and Calendar.
It is useful for accessing and formatting the "current" date as well as for formatting arbitrary Date and Calendar objects.

Tag Declaration

Standard Syntax:
	<%@ taglib prefix="date" uri="" %>
XML Syntax:
	<anyxmlelement xmlns:date="" />

Function Overview

Function Name Description Documentation
format() Returns a formatted string representing the specified date, Locale, and TimeZone. TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
formatByStyles() Returns the specified date as a string formatted according to the specified Locale and date and/or time styles. TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
get() Returns a formatted string representing the date returned by getDate(). TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
getByStyles() Returns a formatted string representing the date and/or time given by getDate() in standard, localized patterns. TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
getCalendar() Returns a Calendar instance created using the timezone and locale returned by getTimeZone() and getLocale(). TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
getDate() Returns a Date derived from the result of getCalendar(). TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
getDateFormat() Returns a DateFormat instance for the specified format, Locale, and TimeZone. TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
getDateFormatByStyles() Returns a DateFormat instance for the specified date style, time style, Locale, and TimeZone. TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
getDay() Returns the day (of the month) value for the specified date. TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
getMonth() Returns the month value of the specified date. TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
getSystemCalendar() Returns the system's current time as a Calendar. TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
getSystemDate() Returns the system's current time as a Date. TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
getSystemTime() Returns the system's current time as the number of milliseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT. TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
getTimeZone() Returns the configured TimeZone. TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
getValue() Returns the specified value of the specified date, or null if the field or date is invalid. TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
getYear() Returns the year value of the specified date. TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
toCalendar() Converts an object to an instance of Calendar using the locale returned by LocaleConfig.getLocale() if necessary. TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
toDate() Converts an object to an instance of Date using the specified format, Locale, and TimeZone. TagLibDoc , JavaDoc


This tool is used for comparing Date and Calendar values.
This is a subclass of DateTool and thus provides all the functionality of that tool and augments it with the ability to find the relationship between any date and the current date, or between any two dates. This comparison can result in either a textual representation of the relationship (e.g. "3 weeks, 2 days ago", "tomorrow", or "3 hrs away") or the value of a specific time unit may be requested.

Tag Declaration

Standard Syntax:
	<%@ taglib prefix="cdate" uri="" %>
XML Syntax:
	<anyxmlelement xmlns:cdate="" />

Function Overview

Function Name Description Documentation
format() Returns a formatted string representing the specified date, Locale, and TimeZone. TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
formatByStyles() Returns the specified date as a string formatted according to the specified Locale and date and/or time styles. TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
get() Returns a formatted string representing the date returned by getDate(). TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
getByStyles() Returns a formatted string representing the date and/or time given by getDate() in standard, localized patterns. TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
getCalendar() Returns a Calendar instance created using the timezone and locale returned by getTimeZone() and getLocale(). TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
getDate() Returns a Date derived from the result of getCalendar(). TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
getDateFormat() Returns a DateFormat instance for the specified format, Locale, and TimeZone. TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
getDateFormatByStyles() Returns a DateFormat instance for the specified date style, time style, Locale, and TimeZone. TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
getDay() Returns the day (of the month) value for the specified date. TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
getMonth() Returns the month value of the specified date. TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
getSystemCalendar() Returns the system's current time as a Calendar. TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
getSystemDate() Returns the system's current time as a Date. TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
getSystemTime() Returns the system's current time as the number of milliseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT. TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
getTimeZone() Returns the configured TimeZone. TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
getValue() Returns the specified value of the specified date, or null if the field or date is invalid. TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
getYear() Returns the year value of the specified date. TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
toCalendar() Converts an object to an instance of Calendar using the locale returned by LocaleConfig.getLocale() if necessary. TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
toDate() Converts an object to an instance of Date using the specified format, Locale, and TimeZone. TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
difference() Returns a ComparisonDateTool.Comparison between the result of the second specified date and the first specified date. TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
toDays() Returns the number of whole Days in the specified number of milliseconds. TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
toHours() Returns the number of whole Hours in the specified number of milliseconds. TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
toMinutes() Returns the number of whole Minutes in the specified number of milliseconds. TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
toMonths() Returns the number of whole Months in the specified number of milliseconds. TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
toSeconds() Returns the number of whole Seconds in the specified number of milliseconds. TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
toWeeks() Returns the number of whole Weeks in the specified number of milliseconds. TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
toYears() Returns the number of whole Years in the specified number of milliseconds. TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
whenIs() Returns a ComparisonDateTool.Comparison between the second specified date and the first specified date. TagLibDoc , JavaDoc


This tool is used for performing floating point math.

Tag Declaration

Standard Syntax:
	<%@ taglib prefix="math" uri="" %>
XML Syntax:
	<anyxmlelement xmlns:math="" />

Function Overview

Function Name Description Documentation
abs() Returns the absolute value of the number TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
add() Returns the sum of the numbers TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
ceil() Returns the smallest integer that is not less than the given number TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
div() Returns the quotient of the numbers TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
floor() Returns the integer portion of the number TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
getAverage() Returns the average of the values TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
getRandom() Returns a pseudo-random Double greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than 1.0 TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
getTotal() Returns the sum of the values TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
idiv() Returns the result of performing integer division on the operands TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
max() Returns the largest of the numbers TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
min() Returns the smallest of the numbers TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
mod() Returns the result of performing integer modulus on the operands TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
mul() Returns the product of the numbers TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
pow() Returns the first number raised to the power of the second TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
random() Returns a pseudo-random Number greater than or equal to the first number and less than the second TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
round() Returns the number rounded to the nearest whole Integer TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
roundTo() Returns the value rounded to the specified number of decimal places TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
sub() Returns the difference of the numbers (subtracted in order) TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
toDouble() Returns a Double representation of the number TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
toInteger() Returns a Integer representation of the number TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
toNumber() Returns a Number representation of the number TagLibDoc , JavaDoc


This tool is used for reading/navigating XML files.
This uses dom4j under the covers to provide complete XPath support for traversing XML files.

Tag Declaration

Standard Syntax:
	<%@ taglib prefix="xml" uri="" %>
XML Syntax:
	<anyxmlelement xmlns:xml="" />

Function Overview

Function Name Description Documentation
attr() Returns the value of the specified attribute for the given Node TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
attributes() Returns a Map of all attributes for the given Node TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
children() Returns a new Node instance that wraps all the child Elements of the specified Node TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
find() Performs an XPath selection on the specified Node and returns a new Node instance that wraps those results TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
get() Returns a Node that wraps the specified Node TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
getFirst() Returns a Node that wraps only the first Node from the specified Node TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
getLast() Returns a Node that wraps only the last Node from the specified Node TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
getName() Asks get() for a "name" result. If none, this will return the result of getNodeName() TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
getNodeName() Returns the name of the root node TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
getParent() Returns a new Node instance that wraps the parent Element of the specified Node TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
getPath() Returns the XPath that identifies the specified Node TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
getText() Returns the concatenated text content of the specified Node TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
parents() Returns a new Node instance that wraps the parent Elements of the specified Node TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
parse() Returns a new Node instance with the resulting XML document as the root Node TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
read() Returns a new Node instance with that document as the root Node TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
selectNodes() Evaluates an XPath expression and returns the result as a List of Node instances or String instances depending on the XPath expression TagLibDoc , JavaDoc
selectSingleNode() Evaluates an XPath expression and returns the result as a single Node instance TagLibDoc , JavaDoc