abs(Object) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticMathTool
Returns the absolute value of the number or null if it's invalid.
add(Object[]) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticMathTool
Returns the sum of the numbers or null if they're invalid.
add(Object, Object) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticMathTool
Returns the sum of the two numbers or null if they're invalid.
attr(Node, Object) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticXmlTool
Returns the value of the specified attribute for the specified Node, if that Node is an Element.
attributes(Node) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticXmlTool
Returns a Map of all attributes for the specified Node.


ceil(Object) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticMathTool
Returns the smallest integer that is not less than the given number.
children(Node) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticXmlTool
Returns a new Node instance that wraps all the child Elements of the specified Node.
com.logikdev.jsftools - package com.logikdev.jsftools


difference(Object, Object) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticComparisonDateTool
Returns a ComparisonDateTool.Comparison between the result of the second specified date and the first specified date.
div(Object[]) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticMathTool
Returns the quotient of the numbers or null if they're invalid or if any denominator equals zero.
div(Object, Object) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticMathTool
Returns the quotient of the two numbers or null if they're invalid or if any denominator equals zero.


find(Node, Object) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticXmlTool
Converts the specified object to a String and calls find(org.dom4j.Node, java.lang.String) with that.
find(Node, String) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticXmlTool
Performs an XPath selection on the specified Node and returns a new Node instance that wraps those results.
floor(Object) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticMathTool
Returns the integer portion of the number.
format(Object) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticDateTool
Converts the specified object to a date and formats it according to the pattern or style returned by FormatConfig.getFormat().
format(String, Object) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticDateTool
Converts the specified object to a date and returns a formatted string representing that date in the locale returned by LocaleConfig.getLocale().
format(String, Object, Locale) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticDateTool
Converts the specified object to a date and returns a formatted string representing that date in the specified Locale.
format(String, Object, Locale, TimeZone) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticDateTool
Returns a formatted string representing the specified date, Locale, and TimeZone.
format(String, String, Object) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticDateTool
Returns the specified date as a string formatted according to the specified date and/or time styles.
format(String, String, Object, Locale) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticDateTool
Returns the specified date as a string formatted according to the specified Locale and date and/or time styles.
format(String, String, Object, Locale, TimeZone) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticDateTool
Returns the specified date as a string formatted according to the specified Locale and date and/or time styles.


get(String) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticDateTool
Returns a formatted string representing the date returned by StaticDateTool.getDate().
get(String, String) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticDateTool
Returns a formatted string representing the date and/or time given by StaticDateTool.getDate() in standard, localized patterns.
get(Node, Number) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticXmlTool
Returns a Node that wraps the specified Node.
get(Node, Object) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticXmlTool
This will first attempt to find an attribute with the specified name and return its value.
getAverage(Collection<?>) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticMathTool
Gets the average of the values.
getAverage(Collection<?>, String) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticMathTool
Gets the average of the values from a list.
getAverage(Double[]) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticMathTool
Gets the average of the values in an array of double values.
getAverage(Long[]) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticMathTool
Gets the average of the values in an array of long values.
getAverage(Object[]) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticMathTool
Gets the average of the values.
getAverage(Object[], String) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticMathTool
Get the average of the values from a list.
getCalendar() - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticDateTool
Returns a Calendar instance created using the timezone and locale returned by getTimeZone() and getLocale().
getDate() - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticDateTool
Returns a Date derived from the result of StaticDateTool.getCalendar().
getDateFormat(String, Locale, TimeZone) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticDateTool
Returns a DateFormat instance for the specified format, Locale, and TimeZone.
getDateFormat(String, String, Locale, TimeZone) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticDateTool
Returns a DateFormat instance for the specified date style, time style, Locale, and TimeZone.
getDay() - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticDateTool
Returns the day (of the month) value of the date returned by StaticDateTool.getCalendar().
getDay(Object) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticDateTool
Returns the day (of the month) value for the specified date.
getFirst(Node) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticXmlTool
Returns a Node that wraps only the first Node from the specified Node.
getLast(Node) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticXmlTool
Returns a Node that wraps only the last Node from the specified Node.
getMonth() - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticDateTool
Returns the month value of the date returned by StaticDateTool.getCalendar().
getMonth(Object) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticDateTool
Returns the month value of the specified date.
getName(Node) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticXmlTool
Asks get(org.dom4j.Node, java.lang.Object) for a "name" result.
getNodeName(Node) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticXmlTool
Returns the name of the root node.
getParent(Node) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticXmlTool
Returns a new Node instance that wraps the parent Element of the specified Node.
getPath(Node) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticXmlTool
Returns the XPath that identifies the specified Node.
getRandom() - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticMathTool
Returns a pseudo-random Double greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than 1.0.
getSystemCalendar() - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticDateTool
Returns the system's current time as a Calendar.
getSystemDate() - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticDateTool
Returns the system's current time as a Date.
getSystemTime() - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticDateTool
Returns the system's current time as the number of milliseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.
getText(Node) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticXmlTool
Returns the concatenated text content of the specified Node.
getTimeZone() - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticDateTool
Returns the configured TimeZone.
getTotal(Collection<?>) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticMathTool
Gets the sum of the values.
getTotal(Collection<?>, String) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticMathTool
Gets the sum of the values from a list.
getTotal(Double[]) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticMathTool
Gets the sum of the values.
getTotal(Long[]) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticMathTool
Gets the sum of the values.
getTotal(Object[]) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticMathTool
Gets the sum of the values.
getTotal(Object[], String) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticMathTool
Gets the sum of the values from a list.
getValue(int, Object) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticDateTool
Returns the specified value of the specified date, or null if the field or date is invalid.
getValue(Object) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticDateTool
Return the specified value of the date returned by StaticDateTool.getCalendar() or null if the field is invalid.
getValue(Object, Object) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticDateTool
Returns the specified value of the specified date, or null if the field or date is invalid.
getYear() - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticDateTool
Returns the year value of the date returned by StaticDateTool.getCalendar().
getYear(Object) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticDateTool
Returns the year value of the specified date.


idiv(Object, Object) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticMathTool
Does integer division on the int values of the specified numbers.


max(Object[]) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticMathTool
Returns the largest of the numbers or null if they're invalid.
max(Object, Object) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticMathTool
Returns the largest of the two numbers or null if they're invalid.
min(Object[]) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticMathTool
Returns the smallest of the numbers or null if they're invalid.
min(Object, Object) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticMathTool
Returns the smallest of the numbers or null if they're invalid.
mod(Object, Object) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticMathTool
Does integer modulus on the int values of the specified numbers.
mul(Object[]) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticMathTool
Returns the product of the numbers or null if they're invalid.
mul(Object, Object) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticMathTool
Returns the product of the two numbers or null if they're invalid.


parents(Node) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticXmlTool
Returns a new Node instance that wraps the parent Elements of the specified Node.
parse(Object) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticXmlTool
This accepts XML in form.
pow(Object, Object) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticMathTool
Returns the first number raised to the power of the second or null if they're invalid.


random(Object, Object) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticMathTool
This returns a random Number within the specified range.
read(Object) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticXmlTool
If valid, it will return a new Node instance with that document as the root Node.
round(Object) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticMathTool
Rounds a number to the nearest whole Integer.
roundTo(Object, Object) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticMathTool
Rounds a number to the specified number of decimal places.


selectNodes(Node, String) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticXmlTool
Evaluates an XPath expression and returns the result as a List of Node instances or String instances depending on the XPath expression.
selectSingleNode(Node, String) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticXmlTool
Evaluates an XPath expression and returns the result as a single Node instance.
StaticComparisonDateTool - Class in com.logikdev.jsftools
Tool for comparing Date and Calendar values in JSF.
StaticComparisonDateTool() - Constructor for class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticComparisonDateTool
StaticDateTool - Class in com.logikdev.jsftools
Tool for working with Date and Calendar in JSF.
StaticDateTool() - Constructor for class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticDateTool
StaticMathTool - Class in com.logikdev.jsftools
Tool for performing math in JSF.
StaticMathTool() - Constructor for class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticMathTool
StaticXmlTool - Class in com.logikdev.jsftools
Tool for reading/navigating XML files.
StaticXmlTool() - Constructor for class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticXmlTool
sub(Object[]) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticMathTool
Returns the difference of the numbers (subtracted in order) or null if they're invalid.
sub(Object, Object) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticMathTool
Returns the difference of the two numbers (subtracted in order) or null if they're invalid.


toCalendar(Object) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticDateTool
Converts an object to an instance of Calendar using the locale returned by LocaleConfig.getLocale() if necessary.
toCalendar(Object, Locale) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticDateTool
Converts an object to an instance of Calendar using the locale returned by LocaleConfig.getLocale() if necessary.
toDate(Object) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticDateTool
Converts an object to an instance of Date.
toDate(String, Object) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticDateTool
Converts an object to an instance of Date using the specified format.
toDate(String, Object, Locale) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticDateTool
Converts an object to an instance of Date using the specified format and Locale.
toDate(String, Object, Locale, TimeZone) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticDateTool
Converts an object to an instance of Date using the specified format, Locale, and TimeZone.
toDays(long) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticComparisonDateTool
Returns the number of whole Days in the specified number of milliseconds.
toDouble(Object) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticMathTool
Converts an object with a numeric value into a Double Valid formats are Number or a String representation of a number.
toHours(long) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticComparisonDateTool
Returns the number of whole Hours in the specified number of milliseconds.
toInteger(Object) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticMathTool
Converts an object with a numeric value into an Integer Valid formats are Number or a String representation of a number.
toMinutes(long) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticComparisonDateTool
Returns the number of whole Minutes in the specified number of milliseconds.
toMonths(long) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticComparisonDateTool
Returns the number of whole Months in the specified number of milliseconds.
toNumber(Object) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticMathTool
Converts an object with a numeric value into a Number Valid formats are Number or a String representation of a number.
toSeconds(long) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticComparisonDateTool
Returns the number of whole Seconds in the specified number of milliseconds.
toWeeks(long) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticComparisonDateTool
Returns the number of whole Weeks in the specified number of milliseconds.
toYears(long) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticComparisonDateTool
Returns the number of whole Years in the specified number of milliseconds.


whenIs(Object) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticComparisonDateTool
Returns a ComparisonDateTool.Comparison between the result of DateTool.getCalendar() and the specified date.
whenIs(Object, Object) - Static method in class com.logikdev.jsftools.StaticComparisonDateTool
Returns a ComparisonDateTool.Comparison between the second specified date and the first specified date.


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